英文契約書の基本的用語/表現 ? escrow
国際取引では、契約の相互履行を確保するため、証書、金銭、財産等の目的物を特定の第三者に預け、一定の条件が満たされた時点で権利者にその目的物を交付する方法を取ることがあります。この方法をescrow(エスクロー/第三者預託)といい、目的物の預託を受ける者をescrow agent(エスクロー・エージェント)といいます。
This amount shall be wire transferred by the Company or its designee, within ten (7) calendar days after the Approval is obtained, into the Escrow Account and administered in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
The balance of the Purchase Price shall be held by the said bank in an escrow cccount and shall be paid out to the Seller against presentation of the Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance being signed by the representatives of both parties at the time of delivery of the Vessel.