英文契約書の基本的用語/表現 ? books and records
英文契約書でbooksという言葉が使用された場合、大抵は「会計帳簿」を意味し、”books and records”(会計帳簿および記録類)の形で頻繁に登場します。
Books and records subject to inspection shall include, but shall not be limited to, any documents or records which evidence the receipt or disbursements of Royalties.
During the Term of this Agreement, Customer shall keep full, true and accurate records and accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices to show the amount of fees paid or payable to the Company under this Agreement.
Upon no less than 10 business days' written notice, the Licensor will have the right to examine and audit the books and records of the Licensee relating to such merchandise at the Licensor’s sole expense and during normal business hours.