英文契約書の基本的用語/表現 - produce
produce(名詞形は production)には、「生産する」、「制作する」という意味のほかに、「提出する」という意味があります。また、名詞形のproductionには、ソフトウェアを実際の業務環境で使用する場合の「本番」の意味もあります。
The Supplier shall supply to the Company a monthly status report signed by a responsible officer of the Supplier relating to the production of the Products.
The Company shall produce a monthly performance report for the Customer, the content of which will be determined and agreed to by both Parties.
Discovery shall be limited to written requests for the production of specific documents.
"Production" means the "live" environment of the Software that the User uses as its primary business environment.