英文契約書の基本的用語/表現 - at law or in equity
英米法の法体系には、狭義のコモンローとしての一般法(common law)の法体系と衡平法(equity)の法体系があり、at law or in equityという表現は、「コモンロー(普通法)上または衡平法上の」を意味します。equitable(衡平法上の)はequity(衡平法)の形容詞形です。
The party not in Breach may claim any remedies which it may have at law or in equity.
[claim申し立てる; remedy救済(権)]
If the Receiving Party breaches its obligations under this Article, money damages would be inadequate to remedy such breach. Accordingly, the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to seek specific performance and injunctive or other equitable relief from any court of competent jurisdiction as a remedy for any such breach.
[money damages金銭的賠償; inadequate不十分; remedy是正する; specific performance特定履行; injunctive relief差止救済]